Twitter više neće pružati besplatan pristup API-ju

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5 godina
Twitter više neće pružati besplatan pristup API-ju

Vjerujem da neće biti popularan potez, ali ima smisla. Twitter je (barem u SAD-u) nezaobilazna platforma, jedna od najvećih društvenih mreža, a već godinama muku muče s monetizacijom. Samo dvije godine su im bile pozitivne. Treba se nekako naplatitit

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16 godina
Twitter više neće pružati besplatan pristup API-ju

If you hired someone to do this five hundred times, and it took them a whole minute per operation, it would take 500 minutes, which is 8.3 hours, which if you pay $15/hr will cost you about $125 in wages, which is cheaper than paying to use the API for those 500 calls.  (Okay, apparently API calls return MANY tweets, so you'd first need to, like, write a web scraper for the one person to use as they scroll or something).

Or you can outsource it to a low labor cost country for a fraction of that.

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