FTP Problem

poruka: 2
čitano: 3.466
moderatori: Lazarus Long, pirat, XXX-Man, DrNasty, vincimus
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16 godina
FTP Problem

Imam jedan problem............


Registrirao sam free-zd.t-com.hr stranicu


imam sve - password i username. Sve ukucam dobro u filezilla ali izbaci mi ovu grešku


Status:    Resolving IP-Address for free-zd.t-com.hr
Status:    Connecting to
Status:    Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response:    220 T-Com Free web ftp server ready
Command:    USER *******
Response:    331 Password required for mvanjak1.
Command:    PASS **********
Response:    530 Sorry, the maximum number of clients (1) for this user are already connected.
Error:    Could not connect to server


Stranica mi je gotova samo je tribam pribaciti preko ftp-a.

Gdje je problem???


Radio sam ovo več par puta bez problema............



0 0 hvala 0
16 godina
RE: FTP Problem
LINUX47 kaže...

Imam jedan problem............


Registrirao sam free-zd.t-com.hr stranicu


imam sve - password i username. Sve ukucam dobro u filezilla ali izbaci mi ovu grešku


Status:    Resolving IP-Address for free-zd.t-com.hr
Status:    Connecting to
Status:    Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response:    220 T-Com Free web ftp server ready
Command:    USER *******
Response:    331 Password required for mvanjak1.
Command:    PASS **********
Response:    530 Sorry, the maximum number of clients (1) for this user are already connected.
Error:    Could not connect to server


Stranica mi je gotova samo je tribam pribaciti preko ftp-a.

Gdje je problem???


Radio sam ovo več par puta bez problema............



 To znači da je već netko spojen  ili previše njih,što znači da nije do tebe ili fzile nego do providera koji ti pruža usluge.
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