Igre za konzole i za prijenosne konzole

tema: 595
poruka: 23.866
moderatori: DrNasty, pirat
poredak po aktivnosti
Naziv teme Pokrenuo Poruka Čitano Zadnja poruka
Razmjena igara za PS4/PS5 archeron
čet 6.2.2014 16:29
1.554 684.984
pet 26.4.2024 19:03
Razmjena (posudba) igara za Xbox 360 Danny_HR
sri 20.1.2010 17:34
97 56.757
uto 30.11.2021 21:44
Razmjen (posudba) igara za PS3 APazinjan
sri 20.1.2010 16:14
237 109.115
ned 16.12.2018 12:02
Horizon: Forbidden West Dragonbane
pet 28.5.2021 12:44
339 151.555
ned 24.3.2024 12:38
The last of us 2 x360gamer
uto 5.5.2020 19:16
841 221.380
ned 25.2.2024 19:53
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Spellcaster
pet 7.7.2023 10:16
5 4.301
sri 21.2.2024 10:38
Popravak PS4 discova Dellovex98
uto 10.11.2020 21:57
2 5.203
pet 19.1.2024 8:23
God of war Ragnarok Marcek555
pon 31.10.2022 22:15
235 81.667
ned 17.12.2023 11:54
Razmjena igara za Nintendo Switch Šime
čet 4.11.2021 15:11
21 15.777
čet 12.10.2023 19:15
Gran Turismo Sport Santana
pet 26.1.2018 11:53
595 191.220
pet 29.9.2023 21:02
Demon's Souls PS5 Gogy7
čet 29.10.2020 15:35
41 18.079
ned 3.9.2023 10:41
Grand Theft Auto V mRvac
ned 26.7.2009 14:55
10.025 2.374.841
sri 5.7.2023 16:16
Red Dead Redemption Ementaler
sub 9.5.2009 18:14
636 156.431
sri 28.6.2023 19:48
Bloodborne (PS4) 4ucker
čet 26.3.2015 0:57
427 103.885
sri 28.6.2023 17:53
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Dragonbane
pet 30.4.2021 12:59
16 11.195
uto 30.5.2023 19:05
Days gone Marcek555
ned 31.1.2021 14:20
24 9.550
pet 26.5.2023 21:48
Alan Wake D3ViL
sub 6.6.2009 17:28
469 92.909
pon 22.5.2023 11:46
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Šime
čet 2.3.2017 21:15
137 57.009
ned 21.5.2023 13:21
čet 21.10.2021 12:23
25 11.848
sri 5.4.2023 9:03
Death Stranding Cansee
čet 7.11.2019 15:58
42 21.561
ned 25.12.2022 20:59
AC Valhalla Marcek555
sri 17.2.2021 8:47
5 5.674
pon 26.9.2022 9:27
The Last of Us Remastered CroL1k1n7
čet 31.7.2014 8:45
7 9.538
čet 1.9.2022 11:35
Igre sa PS4 na PS5? [PITANJE] mack83
ned 20.2.2022 8:39
5 4.527
pet 25.2.2022 15:48
Ghost Of Tsushima HCMAA
pet 17.7.2020 22:01
36 18.798
sri 25.8.2021 21:56
Pokemon for Gameboy Unix
pet 17.2.2012 0:57
1.303 232.710
ned 28.2.2021 20:46
Kupnja dgitalnih igrara Zec04
ned 24.1.2021 20:16
3 4.590
ned 24.1.2021 21:14
Cyberpunk 2077 Zec04
pon 14.12.2020 8:10
3 4.837
pon 14.12.2020 8:31
Postoje li dodatne lige za Pes 2019 na PS4? Jolckan
čet 3.12.2020 14:24
1 4.488
čet 3.12.2020 14:24
Ride 4 VR Zec04
pet 13.11.2020 9:21
1 4.521
pet 13.11.2020 9:21
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes fer-de-lance
ned 2.8.2020 14:51
1 4.977
ned 2.8.2020 14:51
vrh stranice